■ Basic Mission of the Infection Control Nurse (ICN) Development Program
The ultimate goal of this program is to benefit patients and their families,
other healthcare workers and the local community by developing highly competent
ICNs. These professionals will possess the practical skills necessary to
assist the entire course of procedures from monitoring, implementation
of epidemiological study to infection control in the event of an outbreak
of an infectious disease in communities or facilities. They will also be
trained to become compassionate human resources capable of administrating
education, consultation, research, coordination and ethical considerations
within the Infection Control Team (ICT).
■ Features of training program education for ICN

The features of this program is to install two courses that divided to training of ICN.
Students will take a course that common curriculums cultivating high technical
knowledge and practical power as a nurse, a health nurse, career up of
the Rev. Maternity nurse.
After taking this course, there is the advanced program that aimed at training
of ICN which infection management activity can practice in the international
spot of the group infectious disease such as a developing country or great
The other one is a professional program of training for ICN which can cope
with the issue of international infectious disease of the domestic clinical
It is constituted a curriculum so that the eligibility requirements for
an examination acquisition of the nurse by the specialized nurse system
of the nursing society "CNS" is enabled after the degree acquisition
in the professional program course.
In each programs are based on course work for two years.
In addition, the student who selected a
long-term study student system while member of society entrance to school is
possible to developed course of two programs in three years.
■ What kind of talented person does this
program bringing up ?

In Advanced Program, we will train the talented person who can work at
infection control in the spot of international public hygiene.
In a Professional Program, to get a license of CNS as specialist nurse,
and we will train the talented person who can work at infection control
in a medical institution, in a community and in a country.
We will train a talented person having 4 abilities to become the base,
abilities/ scientific research/ professional practice/ international adjustment
/ negotiation.