Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine

The program of training for ICN ( Infection Control Nurse )

Home Outline of ICN Program Course curriculum Seminar information Entrance examination Social contributions Location and access map/Contact  

 Social contributions

 Hirameki☆Tokimrki Science

Hirameki☆Tokimeki Science: Welcome to the university research lab
Funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, KAKENHI is a special program aimed at closing the gap between academics and ordinary life by encouraging a broader public understanding of the sciences. As part of this program, researchers help junior and senior high school students actually see, hear and feel the cutting-edge scientific achievement first-hand.

  ⇒ Japan Society Promotion of Science

Actual scenes of the program
   21/8/2011  Hirameki☆Tokimeki Science
   22/8/2010  Hirameki☆Tokimeki Science
   23/8/2009  Hirameki☆Tokimeki Science

 Chikugo Kodomo Campus

Funded by the Chikugo Denen Council for Urban Advancement and other organizations, the Chikugo Kodomo Campus is an educational program which supports child development through participatory study and play. The children who represent the future of the 21st century come to Chikugo to take part in activities that highlight the personalities of the communities they come from.

  ⇒ Chikugo Kodomo Campus official site

Actual scenes of the program
  ▶ 31/7/2011, 2/8/2011  Chikugo Kodomo Campus

 A virtual experience for grade school students
     - Kurume Kodomo Campus -

A partnership between five higher education institutions in the city of Kurume, the Consortium of Higher Education in Kurume aspires to endow knowledge and expertise to local communities. The group intends to contribute to society by helping develop human resources who will play leading roles in advancing local communities.

  ⇒ the Consortium of Higher Education in Kurume

Actual scenes of the program
   11/12/2011  Kurume Kodomo Campus

 ICE in Chikugo
The ICE in "ICE in Chikugo" stands for Infection Control of the Environment. The following members are involved in various infection control activities.

Mutuko Mihashi
  : Kurume University School of Nursing
 Naoki Thumura
  : Kurume University School of Medicine
 Yasunao Otubo
  : Fukuoka University of Education
 Miho Miura
  : Kurume University Hospital
  : Kurume University Hospital
 Yuka Sato
  : Kurume University School of Nursing

Japanese Site

Related facilities

Kurume University

Division of Infection Conrol and Prevention Kurume University Hospital


Kurume University Medical Center

Kurume University School of Medicine

Education Center for the Certified Nurse

Copyright ⓒ 2011 Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine, Infection Control Nurse Program. All rigthts reserved.