Hirameki☆Tokimrki Science
■ 2009
Precaution to protect yourself from infectious diseases such as the new
model influenza
Date:August 23 ,2009
Place:Kurume University school of Nursing Building A
Sponsorship: Kurume University school of Nursing
The furtherance:Independent administrative agency Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science

A researcher produced it so that it was answered such a doubt through an experience / an experiment / a lecture.
▶ What does the prevention of the new model influenza do?
▶ Are the seasonal influenza and new model influenza the same things?
▶ What happens to the vaccine of the new model influenza?
▶ Should I be careful what to be infection preventive measures is?
- About an infectious disease and environment
- Human and Water-A point and a pit to prevent an infectious disease-
- How to put masks and hand-washing correctly
- Lunch (with the staff)
- Physical effects of Class I infectious disease hazmat suits
- Infectious disease survival game
- A skit simulating an isolation ward for tuberculosis patients
- Cookie time: Free talking
- The completion ceremony /Investiture "future doctorate"
About an infectious disease and environment
A lecturer:Naomiki Tsumura (Kurume University hospital/Children's doctor)
How do viral infections such as influenza and bacterial infections such as tuberculosis differ in terms of transmission? Starting with this question, participants were taught the definition of a virus and the mechanisms of viral infections. They also learned about the origin and toxicity (lethality rate) of the currently prevalent H1N1 swine flu virus, as well as how this virus compares to the H5N1 avian flu virus.
Explanations were given in simple terms of how PCR technology is being used to analyze influenza viruses. This technology basically uses a specially designed primer to amplify and decode the base sequence of a miniscule snippet of DNA.
Human and Water-A point and a pit to prevent an infectious disease-
A lecturer: Mutsuko Mihashi (Kurume University school of Nursing/Professor)
She explained that "water" took an important role on the prevention of the infectious disease.
The water bends to 108 degrees mainly on oxygen not straight line structure like carbon dioxide and there is a little it, but is unbalanced in a hydrogen atom in a plus to a minus an oxygen atom thanks to this structure electronically.
It has the property that deflection adsorbs to a certain thing in this
Therefore, it produces surface tension because water molecules meet.
This leads to "hand-washing" by the current and "a gargle"
being effective for the infectious disease prevention by the virus, and
it is it with the grounds of the effect of cleaning with the dustcloth
which got wet environment in the book of the nightingale.
In addition, the viewpoint of the choice of the appropriate protect equipment
which used a characteristic of the water had you think.
How to put masks and hand-washing correctly
A lecturer:Fusayo Mouri(Kurume University Hospital Chief Nurse Link Nurse)
During practical education, participants assessed disinfecting techniques
using a hand washing training box and also learned correct fitting procedures
for the N95 respirator. Evaluation of hand washing quality by pressing
hands on agar and measuring the number of resident bacteria is a very slow
process. However, the UV training box allows quick and simple assessment.
Participants observed first-hand how the wrist and the base of the thumb
were surprisingly unclean. They also learned how to use medical masks effectively
with the N95 respirator.

Lunch (with the staff)
Participants were joined by researchers and university students during
lunch and engage in lively discussions.
Physical effects of Class I infectious disease hazmat suits
① A practical training course was held to learn how to wear hazmat suits for Class I infectious diseases and then monitor oxygen saturation and skin conditions. Participants were surprised to find the suits relatively lightweight and easy to maneuver around in, but once they moved about for some time they quickly discovered how hot they can be inside. In addition, sensors on the suits showed how heart rate can rise due to inadequate skin respiration. 
② Participants underwent a speech articulation test in their hazmat suits in order to test volume and hearing errors.
Infectious disease survival game
A lecturer:Kenji Masunaga (Kurume University hospital)
A survival game was organized simulating conditions during a pandemic where
electricity and water service has terminated. Participants learned survival
techniques necessary during disasters and pandemics in a virtual game environment.
A skit simulating an isolation ward for tuberculosis patients
Current regulations require the quarantine of individuals diagnosed with certain infectious diseases. Under such circumstances, the balance between ensuring patients' rights and preventing further spread of the disease becomes a very sensitive issue. Participants contemplated the biopsychosocial implications that mandatory preventative quarantine might have during such situations.
Cookie time: Free talking

They talked freely about an impression or the doubt that participated in today's program.
The completion ceremony /Investiture "future doctorate"
Instructor Tsumura presented each participant with a symbolic "future
PhD degree" to certify completion of the one-day course to study the
science behind the cause and prevention of infectious diseases and also
to encourage ongoing interest in these medical conditions.
