Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine

The program of training for ICN ( Infection Control Nurse )

Home Outline of ICN Program Course curriculum Seminar information Entrance examination Social contributions Location and access map/Contact 

 Course curriculum
Click here for an outline and curriculum of the Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine Master's Degree in Medical Research


 Common curriculum

By the common curriculum, adjustment ability and the negotiation abilities which were superior in addition to extensive knowledge and precise clinical judgment, infection control practice on the basis of manner of an ethic in front line of international public hygiene are demanded and a common base has the subject of outlook on nursing theory / educational ability / politics / policy / reserch ability / ethic /raising for consultation ability.

For a specialty, it is a unit with infection basics 2 and four units about applied sterilized, surveillance. It is constituted by eight units subject about infectious disease nursing and prevention in community/Clinical/the distinction of target/ in the disaster.

A chart of curriculum structure

Class development


Common subjects and special subjects

Classwork scene in photo

Laboratory course of virology


 Internship opportunities

Internships in Japan Kurume University Hospital
Jikei University Hospital
Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital
Kyusyu Medical Center
Nagoya University Hospital
Internships abroad Presentations at international conferences
 ・APSIC:The 5thInternational Congress of the Asia
  Pacific Society of Infection Control

Facilities to observe international ICT activities

 ・Victoran Infections Diseases Reference
 ・The Royal Melbourne Hospital

 Internship reports

 Internships in Japan

Participating in Practical II of Infection Control Nursing

Site:Jikei University Hospital
Duration:September 5 to 16, 2011
The entire hospital was extremely welcoming, heartily supporting my desire for education. All considered, it was a valuable experience.
I participated in many surveillance- and infection-related meetings such as basic infection control courses, discussions on Gaffky scale diagnosis using medical imaging, and surgical site infection surveillance. I learned about evaluating and implementing environmental improvements as well as upgrading and documenting hospital infection measures. I underwent training on using antibacterials, studying bacterial resistance issues, performing preventative surveillance and surgical site infection control, and installing central venous lines. In this manner, I received comprehensive and practical education on infection control nursing activities. With the help of many people, I also provided educational feedback in relation to environmental surface monitoring using adenosine triphosphate measurement. Looking back, I gained so much from this opportunity, including the chance to learn about ethical issues in research and surveillance.
The words and actions of head instructor and certified infection control nurse Mishima opened my eyes to the importance of behavioral theories, such as the health belief model and rational behaviorism, as primary tools for solving problems in infection control, testing prevalence, behavioral changes in infected individuals and treatment adherence.

                          Sachiyo Yoshimoto (professional program course)

 Internships abroad

Site:Australia Melbourne
Duration:November 7 to 13, 2011

Participating in an international conference
I participated in the 5th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC) at Melbourne, Australia, holding a poster presentation titled “The Way of Educating Foreigners Living in Japan on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases.” In this presentation, I discussed the difficulties in providing information on infectious disease to foreigners in Japan who display a wide range of behaviors in terms of hygienic practices. Since I am not even good at speaking in front of people in Japanese, I was relieved that I was able to get through the conference with my poor English supplemented with expressive gestures.

Infection control in Australia
I visited the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL) in Melbourne, Australia. Located amidst ordinary residences, offices buildings and hospitals, this facility acts as the primary infectious disease testing center for the state of Victoria as well as an official reference laboratory of the World Health Organization (WHO). Activities here are very similar to those at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) in Japan, and include surveillance system management, diagnoses and testing for the state of Victoria, infectious disease reference, infectious disease data collection and analyses, public health studies, basic and applied infectious disease research, as well as joint training and research programs with the WHO. I was also able to tour their biosafety level 4 laboratory. As with the NIID, the VIDRL finds difficulties in performing their duties due to fear from residents in the surrounding neighborhood. I also observed infection control practices at the emergency ward of the Royal Melbourne Hospital. I was especially impressed by their large containers for separate waste categories. The unique size of these containers is the probably the result of limited space in the ward, but I felt it prevented the problem of overflowing waste that is a common in busy hospitals. I was also struck by the number of posters on the hospital walls promoting the WHO-sanctioned “Five Moments for Hand Hygiene.” I took this as evidence of the high priority the hospital places on hygiene. Although this is a very basic point, supplies are available in holders installed on the walls for easy access and reduced risk of infection. This practice, which some hospitals in Japan are beginning to adopt, is an example of an alternate approach to infection control. Different types of patients and cultural circumstances naturally lead to distinct procedural styles and the chance to witness perspectives and ideas I had never encountered before was a precious opportunity to learn about infection control from a completely new angle.
I discovered many new things through this practical learning experience, especially the need for me to gain the courage to venture out of my protective shell and absorb a wide range attitudes and ideas.

                              Atsushi Umetsu (advanced program course)


Japanese Site

Related facilities

Kurume University

Division of Infection Conrol and Prevention Kurume University Hospital


Kurume University Medical Center

Kurume University School of Medicine

Education Center for the Certified Nurse

Copyright ⓒ 2011 Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine, Infection Control Nurse Program. All rigthts reserved.