Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine

The program of training for ICN ( Infection Control Nurse )

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 Practical trainingⅠfor international infection control nursing
In 2011, four graduate students enrolled in our core curriculum took a course called Practical I for international infection control nursing. These included one student in our advanced program and three students in our professional program.

 Training:FETP-J (Field Epidemiology Training Program Introductory Course)

Date:April 4 to 28, 2011


    Infectious Disease Surveillance Center (IDSC)
    National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID)
    Toyama 1-23-1, Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO, 162-8640, JAPAN



- 1.  Field Epidemiology and FETP

- 2.  Disease transmission and control

2. Epidemiology

- 1.  Descriptive epidemiology

- 2.  Study design

- 3.  Measure of association

- 4.  Sampling methods

- 5.  Choice of comparison groups

- 6.  Rates, ratios, and proportions

- 7.  Bias and causality

- 8.  Confounding

- 9.  Matching

- 10. Statistics for field epidemiology

- 11. Sensitivity & Specificity

- 12. Measurement of Impact

- 13. Basic Statistics

3. Surveillance

- 1.  Assessment of surveillance system

- 2.  Principle of disease surveillance

- 3.  Principles of outbreak investigation

- 4.  Nosocomial Staphylococcus aureus outbreak

- 5.  Nosocomial infection control

- 6.  Outbreak investigation

- 7.  Food-borne Diseases

- 8.  Parasitic diseases

- 9.  Bacterial diseases (VRE, MRSA, etc)

- 10. Zoonoses

- 11. Viral diseases (polio etc .)

- 12. Viral diseases (vector-borne)

- 13. Viral diseases (measles, influenza, etc.)

4. Administration in Japan

- 1.  TB control and prevention in Japan

- 2.  Vaccine-preventable diseases in Japan

- 3.  Surveillance system in Japan

- 4.  Laws & Regulations (infectious disease)

- 5.  Laws & Regulations (food safety)

- 6.  Laws & Regulations (school health)

- 7.  Laws & Regulations (quarantine)

- 8.  Laws & Regulations (risk management)

- 9.  Global network for communicable disease control and prevention

- 10. Risk assessment for food safety

5. Exercise  

- 1.  Disease transmission and control

- 2.  Meningitis outbreak

- 3.  Cigarette smoking and lung cancer

- 4.  Surveillance system design

- 5.  An outbreak of gastrointestinal illness following a church supper

- 6.  "Alcohol"... confounding

- 7.  Multi-state outbreak of E. coli

- 8.  Bacterial diseases (EHEC,etc.)

- 9.  Measles in a divided city - Texarkana

- 10. Mini-project

- 11. Presentation of mini-project


Copyright ⓒ 2011 Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine, Infection Control Nurse Program. All rigthts reserved.