The program of training for ICN( Infection Control Nurse )

 2013 国際感染看護学実習Ⅱ

 第6回 アジア太平洋感染制御学会国際大会(APSIC)発表


6th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control  ,in Shanghai, China
10th-13th April 2013, Shanghai International Convention Centre

1)The Exposure Conditions to Nurses, from Mouth Rinsing etc, during Oral Care , Atsushi Umetsu, Mutsuko Mihashi

2)Risk Management and Infection Prevention Education for at Risk Communities, Satou Yuka, Mihashi Mutsuko, Umetsu Atsushi

3)How Factors and Parents’Concerns affect Vaccination Rates, Kana Utoyama, Mihashi Mutsuko, Kakuma


Copyright ⓒ 2011 Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine, Infection Control Nurse Program. All rigthts reserved.